====== Almaligner tutorial ====== Welcome to the Almaligner tutorial! In this tutorial you will learn to extract bilingual terminology from a [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Translation_Memory_eXchange|TMX]] file. ==== Prerequisites ==== All you need is the Almaligner application (download it [[almaligner:start|here]]), the Java runtime environment (download it [[https://www.java.com/|here]]) and a TMX file. If you don't have a TMX file, you can download one from [[http://opus.nlpl.eu/download.php?f=GNOME/v1/tmx/en-it.tmx.gz|here]] (if the link doesn't work, get the file from the [[http://opus.nlpl.eu/GNOME.php|parent page]]). **NB**: you'll need to unzip the file before you can use it with Almaligner. ==== Starting the app ==== Double click on Almaligner.jar to start the app, you'll see the main application window: {{ :almaligner:tutorials:almaligner_basic_tutorial_015.png?nolink |}} Click on "Browse" and select your TMX file: {{ :almaligner:tutorials:almaligner_basic_tutorial_020.png?nolink |}} [[basic_2|{{ :buttons:next.png|Next page}}]]