====== Version 1.21 ====== * **NEW (feature)**: Windows and Mac users no longer need to install Java for BootCaT to work, Java is already included in the distribution package; * **NEW (feature)**: pseudo-XML versions of the extracted plain text files are now created in the ''xml_corpus'' folder; a single ''corpus.xml'' file is also created, containing the merged version of the pseudo-XML corpus; the XML version of the corpus contains more metadata than the plain text version: * ''id'', a unique identifier for the document consisting of the corpus name followed by a number, * ''filename'' of the downloaded file (basically, the id plus the file extension), * ''uri'', the uri of the original file, * ''content_type'' of the original file; * **NEW (feature)**: in the "Project Definition" step, you can now add up to three user-defined XML attributes to the XML version of the corpus; * **NEW (feature)**: the name of the corpus is now prepended to the names of downloaded files, individual corpus text files and XML corpus files; this makes it possible to easily merge different corpora in the same folder; files are still progressively numbered; * **BUGFIX** : fixed a bug that prevented download timeout to work properly, resulting in BootCaT to wait forever for certain URLs to download