====== BootCaT Documentation ====== {{bootcat:images:sbafo_128x128.png }} Here you'll find resources and information on BootCaT. If you want to download the application, visit the [[http://bootcat.dipintra.it/|main BootCaT website]]. ===== Online manual ===== * [[bootcat:tutorials:basic_1|BootCaT tutorial]] * [[bootcat:help:lists|Blacklists and whitelists]] * [[bootcat:help:search_engine_key|Search Engine Key]] * [[bootcat:help:external_browser|Using an external browser]] * [[bootcat:help:corpus_creation_mode|Corpus creation mode]] * [[bootcat:help:use_external_downloader|Using an external downloader]] * [[bootcat:help:determine_version|What version of BootCat am I running?]] * [[bootcat:help:FAQ|FAQ]] * [[bootcat:help:Download Mac Version|How to download BootCaT for Mac]] ===== Troubleshooting ===== * [[bootcat:help:Troubleshooting:]] ===== Release notes (A.K.A. what's new) ===== * [[bootcat:release_notes:frontend:main|BootCaT]] * [[bootcat:release_notes:toolkit:main|BootCaT toolkit - command line version (discontinued)]] ===== Know problems and workarounds ===== * [[bootcat:Known issues]]