
This is an old revision of the document!

A new version will be released soon

On May 17, 2012 Bing announced that version 1.0 of their Search API (a fundamental service used by BootCaT) will be decommissioned on August 1, 2012. This means that the current version of BootCaT will stop working on that day.

Introducing version 2.0 of the search API, Bing said that “for up to 5,000 queries per month, developers can access the API for free on the Windows Azure Marketplace. At this level, the large majority of our existing developers – including non-profits, educational institutions, and smaller scale applications– can continue using the service for free.”

This is very good news for BootCaT since 5.000 queries per month should be more than enough for typical users of the application.

A new version of BootCaT will be released in the coming weeks in preparation for the transition to the new search API.

  • bootcat/news/important_announcement.1338383769.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012/05/30 15:16
  • by eros