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English Tagset

$	currency symbol ($)
''	closing quotes (")
(	opening parentheses (()
)	closing parentheses ())
,	comma (,)
:	connecting punctuation (:, -, ...)
CC	conjunction, coordinating (and)
CD	number, cardinal (four)
DT	determiner, general (a, the, this, that)
EX	existential there
FW	foreign word (ante, de)
IN	preposition (on, of)
JJ	adjective, general (near)
JJR	adjective, comparative (nearer)
JJS	adjective, superlative (nearest)
LS	List item marker
MD	modal auxiliary (might, will)
NN	noun, common singular (action)
NNS	noun, common plural (actions)
NP	noun, proper singular (Thailand, Thatcher)
NPS	noun, proper plural (Americas, Atwells)
PDT	determiner, pre- (all, both, half)
POS	possessive particle (', 's)
PP	pronoun, personal (I, he)
PP$	pronoun, possessive (my, his)
RB	adverb, general (chronically, deep)
RBR	adverb, comparative (easier, sooner)
RBS	adverb, superlative (easiest, soonest)
RP	adverbial particle (back, up)
SENT	sentence-final punctuation (.)
SYM	symbol or formula (US$500, R300)
TO	infinitive marker (to)
UH	interjection (aah, oh, yes, no)
VB	be, base (be)
VBD	be, past tense (went)
VBG	be, -ing (being)
VBN	be, past participle (been)
VBP	be, plural (are)
VBZ	be, -s (is)
VH	have, base (have)
VHD	have, past tense (had)
VHG	have, -ing (having)
VHN	have, past participle (had)
VHP	have, plural (have)
VHZ	verb, -s (has)
VV	verb, base (believe)
VVD	verb, past tense (believed)
VVG	verb, -ing (believing)
VVN	verb, past participle (believed)
VVP	verb, plural (believe)
VVZ	verb, -s (believes)
WDT	det, wh- (what, which, whatever, whichever)
WP	pronoun, wh- (who, that)
WP$	pronoun, possessive wh- (whose)
WRB	adv, wh- (how, when, where, why)
``	opening quotes (")
  • corpora/tagsets/english.1509359363.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/10/30 11:29
  • by eros