
This is an old revision of the document!

Usage statistics

BootCaT collects anonymous usage statistics. Here's what we collect:

  • installation ID – a unique number that identifies your installation of BootCaT, this does not contain any details about you or the computer you are using; it's just a way for us to keep track of how many copies of BootCaT are installed and used in the world
  • version number – the version of BootCaT you are using

As you can see nothing personal is being collected, we could really use this data to promote the development of the project, so please keep the box checked!

If you still want to disable anonymous usage collection after all, go to Edit → Options → General and disable the “Collect anonymous usage statistics” checkbox.

  • help/usage_statistics.1312450250.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2011/08/04 11:30
  • by eros