
This is an old revision of the document!

Known issues

These are known issues with the BootCat front-end (version 0.50):

- No unicode support: at the moment, there are no plans to add it.

- openjdk users: if you click on “Cancel” when the “Settings” dialog appears during the first run, the program doesn't quit (even if there is one blank option), this shouldn't happen since the program doesn't have all the necessary information to operate correctly (in fact if the path to one of the programs wasn't specified, the program will not work); this doesn't happen with Sun Java. Workaround: specify all paths correctly or install Sun Java.

- sometimes checking the “I'm done selecting seeds” box doesn't activate the Next button. Workaround: uncheck and re-check the box, the button should activate.

  • known_issues.1276558637.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2010/06/15 01:37
  • by eros