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Carcass Tutorial

Welcome to the Carcass tutorial!

This short guide assumes no prior knowledge of the tool, and will walk you through the process of connecting to a remote server and submitting your first query.

This tutorial is based on Carcass version 0.44

Immediately after starting the program a dialog window will appear, requesting the parameters for the connections to the server.

You don't need to do anything here, just accept the default values by clicking on the “OK” button.

After a few moments the main window of Carcass will appear, on the left you'll see a list of all available corpora, grouped by language.

Click on “English” to display all available English corpora.

Click on “UkWaC 1” to select the UkWaC corpus (more information on this corpus are available on this page).

As soon as you select the corpus, the query editors will appear:

As you can see from the picture above, you can choose between “Simple”, “Smart” and “Expert” query editor.

For now let's just stick to the Simple editor.

Type the following phrase in the box and click on Submit:

naked eye

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  • sarcophagus/carcass/tutorial/basic_1.1338394161.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012/05/30 18:09
  • by eros