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Getting your Trados Student License

If you're a student at the Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione you may be entitled to receive a free student license for Trados Live Team.

Contact you lecturer to get an invite.

Once you have your invite, you need to create an account (if you already have one, you can skip to the next section).

Go to https://www.rws.com/ and click on Login → SDL ID

In the next window click on “Sign Up”

Insert your student e-mail address (i.e. name.surname@studio.unibo.it) and choose a new password (this should be different from your e-mail password, make sure you remember it!).

Aaccept terms and conditions and click on “SIGN UP”

You'll receive a confirmation e-mail, so check you e-mail and confirm your subscription.

Now you need to install Trados and Multiterm, you can download the installers from here (your lecturer should have given you a username and password to download the application):


Double-click on the downloaded files to install the two applications.

You don't need a license to use Multiterm, so you can just start the application to use it, but you do need a license for Trados, proceed to the next step to see how to activate your license.

Start Trados, it will start in evaluation mode, that's normal, just click on the “Sign in” button on the top left of the screen

  • tutorials/tradoslicense.1637072814.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/11/16 15:26
  • by eros