Part of Speech: adjective
Position | Atribute | Values |
0 | category | A:adjective |
1 | type | O:ordinal; Q:qualificative; P:possessive |
2 | degree | S:superlative; V:evaluative |
3 | gen | F:feminine; M:masculine; C:common |
4 | num | S:singular; P:plural; N:invariable |
5 | possessorpers | 1:1; 2:2; 3:3 |
6 | possessornum | S:singular; P:plural; N:invariable |
Part of Speech: conjunction
Position | Atribute | Values |
0 | category | C:conjunction |
1 | type | C:coordinating; S:subordinating |
Part of Speech: determiner
Position | Atribute | Values |
0 | category | D:determiner |
1 | type | A:article; D:demonstrative; E:exclamative; I:indefinite; T:interrogative;N:numeral; P:possessive; R:relative |
2 | person | 1:1; 2:2; 3:3 |
3 | gen | F:feminine; M:masculine; C:common; N:neuter |
4 | num | S:singular; P:plural; N:invariable |
5 | possessornum | S:singular; P:plural |
Part of Speech: noun
Position | Atribute | Values |
0 | category | N:noun |
1 | type | C:common; P:proper |
2 | gen | F:feminine; M:masculine; C:common; N:neuter |
3 | num | S:singular; P:plural; N:invariable |
4 | neclass | S:person; G:location; O:organization; V:other |
5 | nesubclass | Not used |
6 | degree | A:augmentative; D:diminutive |
Part of Speech: pronoun
Position | Atribute | Values |
0 | category | P:pronoun |
1 | type | D:demonstrative; E:exclamative; I:indefinite; T:interrogative; N:numeral;P:personal; X:possessive; R:relative |
2 | person | 1:1; 2:2; 3:3 |
3 | gen | F:feminine; M:masculine; C:common; N:neuter |
4 | num | S:singular; P:plural; N:invariable |
5 | case | N:nominative; A:accusative; D:dative; O:oblique |
6 | polite | P:yes |
Part of Speech: adverb
Position | Atribute | Values |
0 | category | R:adverb |
1 | type | N:negative; G:general |
Part of Speech: adposition
Position | Atribute | Values |
0 | category | S:adposition |
1 | type | P:preposition |
Part of Speech: verb
An Example of a tag in the CQLconcordance search box: [tag=”V..I.*”] for imperfective verbs.
Position | Atribute | Values |
0 | category | V:verb |
1 | type | M:main; A:auxiliary; S:semiauxiliary |
2 | mood | I:indicative; S:subjunctive; M:imperative; P:participle; G:gerund; N:infinitive |
3 | tense | P:present; I:imperfect; F:future; S:past; C:conditional |
4 | person | 1:1; 2:2; 3:3 |
5 | num | S:singular; P:plural |
6 | gen | F:feminine; M:masculine; C:common; N:neuter |
Part of Speech: number
Position | Atribute | Values |
0 | category | Z:number |
1 | type | d:partitive; m:currency; p:percentage; u:unit |
Part of Speech: date
Position | Atribute | Values |
0 | category | W:date |
Part of Speech: interjection | | |
Position | Atribute | Values |
0 | category | I:interjection |
Part of Speech: punctuation
Tag | Attributes |
Fd | pos:punctuation; type:colon |
Fc | pos:punctuation; type:comma |
Flt | pos:punctuation; type:curlybracket; punctenclose:close |
Fla | pos:punctuation; type:curlybracket; punctenclose:open |
Fs | pos:punctuation; type:etc |
Fat | pos:punctuation; type:exclamationmark; punctenclose:close |
Faa | pos:punctuation; type:exclamationmark; punctenclose:open |
Fg | pos:punctuation; type:hyphen |
Fz | pos:punctuation; type:other |
Fpt | pos:punctuation; type:parenthesis; punctenclose:close |
Fpa | pos:punctuation; type:parenthesis; punctenclose:open |
Ft | pos:punctuation; type:percentage |
Fp | pos:punctuation; type:period |
Fit | pos:punctuation; type:questionmark; punctenclose:close |
Fia | pos:punctuation; type:questionmark; punctenclose:open |
Fe | pos:punctuation; type:quotation |
Frc | pos:punctuation; type:quotation; punctenclose:close |
Fra | pos:punctuation; type:quotation; punctenclose:open |
Fx | pos:punctuation; type:semicolonk |
Fh | pos:punctuation; type:slash |
Fct | pos:punctuation; type:squarebracket; punctenclose:close |
Fca | pos:punctuation; type:squarebracket; punctenclose:open |
| |