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Tutorial part 1 Tutorial part 3

Carcass Advanced Tutorial - Part 2

Now try using Sort to sort the results alphabetically by match (refer to the basic tutorial if you don't remember how to do that).

You'll notice that there are 25 pages of results, if you want to move directly to a particular page, you can type the page number directly into the box.

Try typing 8 into the box and press enter on your keyboard: you'll be taken directly to page 8 of the result set.

Now let's get back to the Smart Query Editor and try a different query:

  • first of all, reset the previous query by clicking on Clear form

  • then fill out the form like this:
    • Position 1: in the Lemma box type apply
    • Position 2: in the Part of speech drop-down list select Determiner
    • Position 3: in the Part of speech drop-down list select Noun
    • click on Submit

This query returns all occurrences of the the verb “apply” (in all its inflected forms), followed by a determiner and a noun.

There might be errors in the results (i.e. sometimes the second word will not be a determiner or the third will not be a noun): they are due to inaccuracies in the pos-tagging of the corpus which are to be expected when dealing with automatically tagged corpora (such as the UkWaC corpus we are using in this tutorial).

Here again, sorting results by match could be useful.

Tutorial part 1 Tutorial part 3

  • sarcophagus/carcass/tutorials/advanced_2.1338809789.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012/06/04 13:36
  • by eros